If you suffer from presbyopia, you don't always have to go for a visual aid right away. With eye training that focuses on far-sightedness, you can achieve astonishing results and bring the eyes back to a good eyesight. You should also take regular breaks when working hard on your eyes, for example on the computer. Under no circumstances should you buy any kind of reading glasses from the supermarket. They are not optimized for your eyes and could further worsen your eyesight.
With increasing age, it becomes more and more difficult for many people to recognize things in the vicinity or to read a book. This is due to the fact that the retina becomes less flexible and tighter with increasing age, so that the light only hits behind the retina and the nearby writing becomes blurred.
Many people therefore resort to reading glasses, often bought frighteningly in a supermarket, without the actual visual acuity of the glasses being determined beforehand by an optician or ophthalmologist.
An alternative to reading glasses is eye training, with which the so-called presbyopia can be treated very well. On the Internet you will find many websites dealing with the subject of eye training and presbyopia which offer corresponding training instructions.
If you follow them regularly, you will be able to restore your old vision and do without reading glasses in the future.
Wenn man unter Altersweitsichtigkeit leidet, muss man nicht immer sofort zu einer Lesebrille greifen. Mit einem Augentraining, das sich gezielt mit Weitsichtigkeit beschäftigt, kann man verblüffende Ergebnisse erzielen und so die Augen wieder zur alten Sehstärke führen. Auch sollte man bei anstrengenden Arbeiten für die Augen, zum Beispiel am Computer, regelmäßige Pausen einlegen. Auf keinen Fall sollten Sie eine x-beliebige Lesebrille aus dem Supermarkt kaufen. Diese ist für ihre Augen nicht optimiert, die Sehstärke könnte so weiter abnehmen.